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Frequently Asked Questions

Most Common Questions

Can I order The Living Urn® now, and get the tree at a later date?

When is the best time of the year to plant?

Do I need to include all of the cremated remains? Or, can I just include a portion of the cremated remains in The Living Urn® Bio Urn and Planting System?

Can I order The Living Urn® Bio Urn and Planting System to use now with cremated remains of a loved one that I have stored for years?

Where can I plant The Living Urn®?

I want to use The Living Urn® at my home but what if I move?

Can I plant in a pot?

When will my Living Urn ship?

Do you ship to Canada?

About The Living Urn®

What is The Living Urn®?

Who developed The Living Urn®?

Is The Living Urn® Patented and Trademarked?

How does The Living Urn® Bio Urn Planting System work?

What do I get when I purchase The Living Urn®?

Why is The Living Urn® Bio Urn and Planting System the best choice?

Is the Living Urn® all natural and environmentally friendly?

Does The Living Urn® or any of its components have an expiration date?

I want to purchase The Living Urn® Bio Urn Planting System for myself - how does that work?

The outer bamboo shell is beautiful - what is this used for?

What's the purpose of RootProtect®?

Do I need to plant the 2-4' tree provided with my Living Urn® or can I plant something else with The Living Urn®?

What is the Family Program?

Can I give The Living Urn® as a gift?

Is there a version for pets?

Is it TSA Approved?

Trees & Planting

Why is it better to grow a memory tree from a young tree instead of a seed?

What tree options do you offer?

How large is the young tree that I will receive?

Can I plant a larger tree with The Living Urn®?

When will I receive my tree or plant?

What is the guarantee on the trees?

Why are you not able to ship trees to certain states?

If I buy The Living Urn® now, can I have the tree shipped at a future date?

Once I receive my tree, how long do I have to plant it?

Can I plant a potted tree from a local nursery with The Living Urn® Bio Urn and Planting System?

Can I plant flowers or bushes instead?

I would like a tree not listed on the website, can I special order that from your nursery?

I live in an area that has an unusual climate, do you have any more resources I can look at to learn about tree choices.

Cremated Remains

How much of the cremated remains can I use with The Living Urn® Bio Urn and Planting System?

Can I buy The Living Urn® Bio Urn and Planting System to use now with cremated remains of a loved one that I have stored for years?

Do I need to touch the remains or mix them in The Living Urn® Bio Urn and Planting System?

Do I ship the cremated remains (ashes) to you?

Is it possible to plant two sets of cremated remains with one Living Urn® tree memorial?


When will The Living Urn® Bio Urn and Planting System arrive?

I understand The Living Urn® and tree ship separately - when will my tree arrive?

What if I want to plant at a specific time for a memorial service and need my tree sooner - what can I do?

Other Questions

Is it secure to purchase on webpage?

May I be a distributor of The Living Urn®?

Order Your Living Urn Today & Choose When You Would Like The Tree!Order Today!