Eastern Redbud Tree – A Stunning Beauty With Amazing Spring Color!
The Eastern Redbud Tree is a strikingly beautiful, small deciduous tree that, at maturity, will grow to about twenty feet in height. It has amazing pink and purple flowers in the Spring and has heart-shaped leaves that start out a reddish color, then turn green in the summer and yellow in the fall. Its branches grow in unique ways, simply adding to its stunning appearance. George Washington noted the beauty of this tree on multiple occasions in his diary and reportedly spent a good amount of time transplanting Eastern Redbud seedlings obtained from a local wooded area to his garden.
In addition to its beauty, the Eastern Redbud is a strong and resilient tree. It can be found in most regions of the U.S. and is recommended for planting zones four through nine. It grows well in various types of soil and can thrive in full sun or part shade. For people who love trees but don’t have a ‘green thumb’, this is a great option for you!
The redbud tree also has special traditional and modern uses. Its flowers are edible and extract from the bark and roots were once used as a treatment for fevers and the flu. In addition, branches of the redbud have been used to make baskets.
This special tree is native to the U.S. and was first introduced for cultivation in 1641. Its pods contain seeds that are a food of choice for many animals, including cardinals, quail, turkeys, squirrels and white tailed deer. It’s also a food source for honeybees.
In addition to being a favorite tree of many Americans over the past few hundred years, it is also now becoming a favorite of customers of The Living Urn, a special new bio urn and planting system that gives people the ability to grow a memorial tree from a loved one’s cremated remains. Mark Brewer, co-founder and President of The Living Urn commented, “The Eastern Redbud Tree is one of the most popular tree options that we offer with our bio urn and planting system. People love its beauty and, when they ask which tree is best for their area, our arborists commonly suggest this tree because of how hardy it is."
Brewer continues, “The Eastern Redbud is truly a unique tree and, in combination with our special bio urn, serves as a great living memorial of a loved one. We continue to get amazing feedback from customers who purchased a Living Urn with this special tree.”