Honoring a Loved One with Multiple Tree Urns
For family and friends mourning the loss of a loved one, creating a personal memorial is a sacred experience. Celebrating the departed's life through a living tribute can bring peace and comfort to grieving individuals. Whether the bereaved live close to one another or at opposite ends of the country, multiple tree urns allow those in grief to hold a departed loved one in eternal remembrance wherever they are.

What is The Living Urn?
The Living Urn is a patented tree urn and planting system offered by hundreds of funeral homes, cemeteries, memorial parks, non-profits, and other funeral-related companies worldwide. Since it was introduced in 2015, there have been tens of thousands of plantings and satisfied families who now have a beautiful living tree memorial growing in honor of their loved ones. Families who choose The Living Urn typically either plant on their own property or get permission to plant at a church, a local park, a state or national park, a golf course, or another special place of their choosing.
The Living Urn offers over fifty tree options, narrowed down for customers by zip code to present what grows best in each area. Families can have a tree of choice shipped to their doorstep by The Living Urn or simply pick up a tree or shrub at their local nursery. Easy-to-follow instructions are provided with The Living Urn’s bio urn and planting system to ensure your unique living memorial can thrive for years to come.
Multiple Memorial Trees
The Living Urn is designed to be used with as much or as little of one set of cremated ashes as desired. A growing trend among those who have lost a loved one is to divide up the ashes and plant multiple memorial trees in their honor. There are several reasons families choose multiple memorial trees for honoring a loved one:
Tree Memorial for Everyone
This is the most common reason families divide up a loved one’s ashes and grow multiple tree memorials. In today’s environment, it’s common for adult children, siblings, and other relatives to be spread out across the country. And, many times, each will want their own memorial and a special way to honor the person who passed. Whether you live in Florida, Alaska, or anywhere in between, The Living Urn makes choosing a tree suitable for the local region easy.
Memorial Tree Planted at Multiple Locations
Many families have multiple places that they truly cherish and consider special. This can include the family home, a favorite vacation spot, a place where many memories occurred, or other places they hold special. With The Living Urn, families can easily take the TSA-approved tree urn and planting system on a plane to plant at different and meaningful places. Also, trees are shipped separately and can be sent directly to a planting location to make it easy for families.
Prefer Multiple Tree Types
The Living Urn offers many beautiful tree options, including sugar maples, weeping willows, magnolia janes, evergreens, and other unique and interesting trees. For this reason, many families have trouble selecting just one and choose to divide up a loved one’s ashes into multiple beautiful tree memorials.
Love of Nature and Trees
Many people love trees and nature and want to give back to future generations. For this reason, they prefer to plant multiple tree memorials to honor their loved ones. The Living Urn was designed to be used with as much as one set of cremation ashes or just a small portion, and families have planted 5, 10, and even 30 trees with one set of ashes and Living Urns. The multiple memorial trees planted beautify the area and give back to present and future generations.
Family Program
The Living Urn continues to receive many calls each week from families looking to plant multiple Living Urns and grow multiple memorial trees. For this reason, we developed a family program where you can simply purchase multiple Living Urns and receive a bulk discount. With this option, you can choose to have the urns come with a tree voucher (that you can redeem from The Living Urn’s website or by calling our Denver-based customer service team) or Living Urns without trees (where you can simply go down to your local nursery and pick up a small tree or plant and follow the instructions provided to plant with The Living Urn).
The Family Tree
Another unique option for families is a ‘family tree.’ This includes planting a large tree in the center with a Living Urn, then when another family member passes, place their ashes in a Living Urn and bury the urn adjacent to the tree. Common trees planted as a ‘family tree’ include oaks, weeping willows, and maples. This is a unique option where the roots of the tree will eventually spread to the space where the urns are buried around the tree. It’s similar to a family plot in a cemetery but includes a living focal point in the middle that represents the family and serves as a living memorial for the members of the family who passed. This ‘family tree’ provides surviving members of the family and friends with a single place to visit, remember, and reflect on the entire family in one place.
Other Memorials
In addition to The Living Urn’s tree urn and planting system, many other unique and uplifting memorials are available for those who choose cremation. Many families will plant a portion of their loved one’s cremated ashes with The Living Urn, then include a portion in another urn or multiple other urns. This can include spreading their ashes at a special place with a scattering urn, burying their ashes at home or another special place with a burial urn, scattering ashes at sea in an urn designed for water burials, or adding a portion of the ashes in cremation jewelry. With so many options, families can now have multiple beautiful memorials of a loved one – all with their own special meaning and unique beauty!
Which Memorial is Right for You?
The Living Urn has become a popular and uplifting option for families across the country who want to honor a loved one and give back to nature. Whether you decide on a single memorial or multiple memorials, there are no ‘right’ options. It all depends on what your loved one would have wanted and what works best for you and your family. From cremation jewelry and keepsakes to scattering urns and living memorials, The Living Urn offers a wide range of beautiful urns to help you hold your loved one in eternal remembrance. Visit our store today to learn more!