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Memory Forest at Mountain View Memorial Park

Boones Mill, VA

Mountain View Memorial Park has been serving residents of the Franklin County area since 1935. The park was acquired by Evergreen Memorial Trust in 1984 and has more than doubled in size and opened additional facilities since then, providing families with greater burial options.

Mountain View Memorial park continues Evergreen’s tradition of conserving heritage in a peaceful, scenic location. As with all Evergreen properties, Mountain View Memorial Park has an excellent reputation for caring. We are proud to be Franklin County’s only Traditional Perpetual Care Cemetery.

    For More Information

    Call us at: (540) 334-5410

    Or, use the contact form below and we'll get back to you shortly

    What is a Memory Forest?

    Memory Forest™ has established exclusive partnerships with leading cemeteries and memorial gardens throughout the U.S., as well as with The Living Urn®, America’s first and leading bio urn and planting system. We offer families a beautiful, tranquil and permanent resting place to plant their memory tree and have it cared for as it grows into an enduring living memorial!

    How does it work?

    It's simple - simply search for a location near you, fill out the online form to request additional information, or give the location a call - we're here to help! The location can help you select a site on their property, choose a tree (options vary by location), and schedule a date for the planting. If you're interested in planning your or a loved one's memorial in advance - they can help with that too!

    How much does it cost?

    The cost for a tree memorial at a Memory Forest varies by location and the type of tree being planted. Please contact a location near you to find out more!

    How does the planting work?

    Every planting at a Memory Forest utilizes The Living Urn, a patented and leading tree planting system with tens of thousands of successful tree memorial plantings worldwide. With this system, your loved one's ashes are placed at the bottom of the biodegradable urn, a special soil additive is placed above, then the tree is planted on top.

    What happens after the planting?

    Many families choose a Memory Forest location as after the planting the tree is then watered and cared for by expert staff at the Memorial Garden or Cemetery. This will be a special place that family and friends can visit for many years to come!

    Do you take special requests (a service, participating in the planting, etc)?

    Yes, many locations will offer services and allow family and friends to witness and even participate in the planting. Please check with a location near you to learn more.

    Can I plan my planting at a Memory Forest in advance?

    Yes, and this is actually quite popular! Simply contact a location near you, pick out a location on their property, tree type, and any special services you prefer. Taking care of this in advance gives many people peace-of-mind that everything is in place and it isn't a burden on family after you pass.

    Order Your Living Urn Today & Choose When You Would Like The Tree!Order Today!