What are families saying about their tree memorial?
The patented Living Urn bio urn and planting system continues to grow as a popular way to memorialize a loved one. More and more families are choosing to plant all or a portion of a loved one’s cremation ashes with a Living Urn to grow a beautiful and enduring tree memorial. Since The Living Urn was launched in 2015, tens of thousands of its proprietary tree urns have been planted all over the U.S., as well as in 17 countries around the world.
So why does The Living Urn memorial option connect to so many people? Based on conversations with our customers, we believe the main reasons can be summarized in two parts. First, families want to honor a love one when they pass to express their love and gratitude to someone who meant so much. Growing a living memorial tree is a beautiful way to honor a loved one and keep their memory present in their life. Also, the concept of giving back also connects with people - a tree gives back and provides oxygen to the environment, a home for wildlife, beauty and color to the surroundings, and more. Families also give back when they plant a Living Urn because for every Living Urn planted, we donate on behalf of the family to have a second tree planted in one of America’s forests in need of reforestation. Recent reforestation projects have been in the Pike National Forest in Colorado, Tahoe National Forest in California and the Chippewa National Forest in Minnesota.
This Spring we asked several families to share why they chose to plant The Living Urn and what the experience meant to them and their family. Here’s what they said…
Lucas Family Experience
We planted a living urn for my father who passed unexpectedly. He loved the mountains and whenever he had a chance, he was outdoors – ski trips, taking us on hikes, walking our dogs, drinking coffee on the patio. We believe he would have wanted to be free outside in nature and burying him in a cemetery or keeping him in indoors in an urn was just not his style. We had initially planned to scatter his ashes near our family cabin up in the mountains. I had seen the living urn on facebook and after sharing it with our family, we decided that planting a tree at our cabin was perfect! We planted a pine tree near the cabin and we all took turns with the planting of his ashes with the urn and tree. It was a very emotional and beautiful experience for us. He is now at the cabin where he would want to be and will be with us every time we visit. We could not have had a better experience with the living urn. The customer service person was kind and answered all my questions and the instructions were easy to follow. Thank you for providing a great product and service - it meant a lot to our family.
Collins Family Experience
My mother found The Living Urn before she passed and fell in love with the idea. She loved the idea of being a tree that would grow and continue to be with us. We planted some of my mother’s ash at our family home on Mother’s Day. We had a small ceremony and spent the afternoon planting my mother’s tree, remembering her. She would have loved that we were all together as a family planting her tree. It was a wonderful experience for us and I now have a beautiful tree growing that I can see out the back kitchen window every day. The product was gorgeous and everything arrived fast and on time. It is absolutely perfect for my mother and our family. Thank you!
Garretson Family Experience
We chose the Living Urn for Rudy, our family dog. My wife and I welcomed Rudy into our home as a rescue shortly after we got married and has been an important part of our family for the past 8 years. He was here when our two sons were born and has also been an important part of their lives. He is so special to us and we miss him dearly. When he passed we wanted to something to show him how much he means to us. He loved spending time in the backyard by our maple tree, especially in his later years. When we saw The Living Urn we thought it was a perfect way to remember him. Our family planted a new maple tree just for Rudy with a Living Urn and his ashes. Thanks for providing an amazing memorial option for Rudy. We can see the beautiful tree of our beloved pup grow through the years and remind us of him.
We’d love to hear your story to share with others. Send us an email at info@thelivingurn.com or upload your story here.
Do you have any questions about The Living Urn or one of our other biodegradable urn products? Call our customer service line at (800) 495-7022, ext. 0 - we’re here to help!