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  • History of Cremation Jewelry
    January 11, 2023

    History of Cremation Jewelry

    When a loved one passes, our feelings and love for them continue this side of life. We are always looking for ways to keep their memory close, to remember them in our daily lives, and to honor them in ways...

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  • Popular Cremation Jewelry & Types
    January 5, 2023

    Popular Cremation Jewelry & Types

    There is no one-size-fits-all memorial when it comes to cremation. People cope with grief in their own way and on their own timeline – just know it’s okay to find your own unique path forward. One way to honor a...

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  • 5 Benefits of Gifting Memorial Jewelry
    December 21, 2022

    5 Benefits of Gifting Memorial Jewelry

    Memorial jewelry is a loving way to honor someone who passed, keep their memory alive, and comfort those grieving. It also may make a thoughtful gift during a terrible time of grief and sorrow (there’s no time limit, however, on...

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  • Why Do People Use Cremation Jewelry?
    December 17, 2022

    Why Do People Use Cremation Jewelry?

    Grief, while a unique and individual experience, can be devastating. People will express their grief and experience it differently, but most agree that grief is an intense and overwhelming sensation. Some liken it to breathing without oxygen; others say it...

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  • scattering at sea
    December 15, 2022

    How Do I Scatter Ashes at Sea?

    The amount of people choosing to be cremated in the U.S. has signficantly increased over the past few decades. About 25% of people who passed in 1999 were cremated, which has jumped to over 60% today. According to the National...

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  • What is Jewelry for Ashes?
    December 14, 2022

    What is Jewelry for Ashes?

    Losing a loved one can be an extremely emotional time and a stressful life event. While the dearly departed are no longer physically with us, their memory will live on with you and everyone who knew them. If your loved...

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