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  • planting cremation ashes
    July 7, 2019

    How Do You Plant Ashes Properly?

    With the significant increase in the number of people choosing cremation over burial, the demand for unique and meaningful memorial options involving cremation ashes is also on the rise. Today there are a wide range of options, including performing a...

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  • deforestation
    July 2, 2019

    Plant Trees to Help Counter Deforestation

    The world’s tree population continues to decrease at an alarming rate. According to the United Nations, approximately 18 million acres (or 7.3 million hectares) of forest are destroyed each year. This rapid tree destruction doesn’t only affect the local ecosystems,...

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  • World’s Most Popular Tree Memorials
    May 14, 2019

    World’s Most Popular Tree Memorials

    In 2015, The Living Urn was introduced to the world – a patented bio urn and planting system that gives families the ability to plant a tree memorial with their loved one (or pet’s) cremated ashes. In just a few...

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  • Biodegradable Urns for Earth and Water
    May 1, 2019

    Biodegradable Urns for Earth and Water

    The number of cremations each year in the U.S. recently surpassed the number of burials and this trend continues to rise. One of the main reasons for this has to do with cremation cost, as cremation is typically much less expensive...

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